
Friday, June 14, 2013

Keep up to date-

With 21 weeks to go from the dark of winter it warms to announce that our Friday afternoon tasting on November 8th, Quality First, presents Laurence Feraud  from Domaine Du Pegau.

For the full programme as it stands, click here.

We have sold out of full weekend tickets, thank you for booking and we look forward to seeing old and new faces in the Swartland in November.

The Swartland Independent tasting details will be announced shortly and then we will start ticket sales all over again.

Happy long weekend!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

French Flair

We know you have all been patiently (well, some maybe more patient than others) waiting  to hear who will be presenting what at the formal tastings at this year's Revolution. 

We are now pleased to confirm that the last of our Saturday tastings (the Expert Opinion slot in 2012) will feature:
Vincent Careme (Domaine Vincent Careme)
Damien Delecheneau (Domaine de la Grange Tiphaine)
and Benjamin Joliveau (Domaine Huet)

Together they will show eight wines (which will be announced in due time).

Hope you can sleep a little bit easier now. Too early to start counting the days?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

And, go!

We have 135 full weekend tickets to sell - on a "first paid first booked" system.
email Darielle at if you still want tickets.

May the force be with you!

Monday, June 3, 2013

The sky is the limit...

Tickets for the 4th annual revolution have gone on sale to our existing database of revolutionaries. 

Preference will be given to people who have attended and supported the event in the past, once they have had their chance (they only get 48 hours to pay from receiving the invoice to losing their booking) ticket sales will open to the public on June the 7th.

I will make details on how to book available here (and here and here) on the morning of the 7th.

Unfortunately we can not make any exceptions, special arrangements or give any media tickets. 

We have increased the numbers of attendees and this year will see 400 chosen ones join in the fun on 8 and 9 November.

Good luck, and remember; A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.